(630) 378-2200
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March 8, 2004
If anyone is interested themselves or knows of Clients who may be interested. WANTED: INVESTOR, PARTNER OR BOTH Cafe/Restaurant in 4,000 sq.ft., magnificent space. 1922 Hotel Lobby and Ballroom. 10 year lease that caps @ $2,500/month. 8 parking spaces, etc. Lease alone is a Gold Mine! Business owner was only able to secure such a...
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CHAPTER 13 DEBT LIMITS INCREASED ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE U.S. COURTS ANNOUNCES INCREASES IN VARIOUS DEBT LIMITS As of April 1, 2004 the eligibility debt limits for Chapter 13 pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 109(e) are raised. The new limits are: Uncontingent, liquidated unsecured debts … $307,675. Uncontingent, liquidated secured debts …… $922,975 New limits...
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ORAL ARGUMENT IN S. CT. REGARDING STATE SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY Sovereign Immunity (Whether Congress has the Authority Under the Bankruptcy Clause to Abrogate State Sovereign Immunity) The issue in this case is whether the United States Constitution gives Congress, under the Bankruptcy Clause, the power to abrogate state sovereign immunity. Pamela Hood received a Chapter 7...
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Any resemblance to actual events is purely concidental. THE WISE HOME BUYER’S GUIDE The road to buying a house is paved with dwindling bank accounts, devious brokers, and home owners who (you hope) are desperate to sell. Yes, it’s a challenge. But with the help of these easy to follow instructions, you can negotiate your...
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——————————————————————- BANKRUPTCY FILINGS ARE UP, AS JOBLESS CLAIMS RISE ——————————————————————- A government report released on Wednesday showed U.S. bankruptcy filings in 2003 were barely changed from record 12-month highs reported three months earlier. Personal bankruptcies for 2003 were up 5.6 percent to 1.63 million from last year while business filings fell 9.1 percent to 35,037,...
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U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals IN THE MATTER OF KMART CORP. (02/24/04 – No. 03-1956) Bankruptcy judge erred in permitting debtor to pay in full its pre-petition debts to any vendor deemed “critical” in its unilateral estimation. Preferential payments to a class of creditors are proper only if the record shows the prospect of...
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