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Chapter 13
The Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy prevents creditors from taking action against debtors so they can get a fresh start without fighting the same battles over again. This post looks at how the Stay works in practice.
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Don't forget to secure a Legal Audit to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry best-practices. How? That's easy: contact M. Hedayat & Associates, P.C. for your Free Legal Audit. With over 18 years of legal experience under his belt, a string of start up companies to his credit, and an MBA in addition...
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You can find yourself in serious debt anytime. Reasons range from the interest rate on your ARM loan to unemployment, the state of the housing market, failed ventures, even natural disasters. If you're confronted by out of control debt, sudden illness, or job loss; could the resulting budget chaos threaten your home or nudge you...
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Unemployment is stubbornly high. The recovery has nearly stalled. People's savings are low. The housing market's so-called rebound has been uneven. Since June 2011 almost a million and a half people have sought bankruptcy protection. The number of filers keeps growing (so much for the salutary effect of BAPCPA). Is there hope?
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Think bankruptcy could be just what you need to fend off over-reaching creditors and get that fresh start? You're right. But how to go about it? In this post we'll outline the steps you need to take.
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According to the best practices website maintained by the National Governors’ Association, legislators, courts, and law enforcement officials in Illinois have taken steps to deal with the mortgage mess. Whether any of them will do any good is still up in the air. Mortgage Fraud Hotline: 800-532-8785 Governor’s Homeowner Assistance Initiative: free mortgage counseling and...
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“It’s not just a low-income problem. We’re seeing folks who are middle and upper income as well… loss of employment has been the catalyst, or a family crisis or some other emergency has triggered the problem.” — Case Worker at NFP Mortgage Counseling Agency Not-For Profits to the Rescue? Millions have been put out of...
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The SEC filed a complaint. The court appointed a receiver to handle defendants’ assets for distribution among victims of the $31 million fraud. Assets included oil and gas leases. SonCo filed a claim. The parties came to terms; the court entered an agreed order that required SonCo to pay $580,000 for assignment of the leases....
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The economy continues to gasp for air. You eye the want ads nervously. Are you one paycheck away from selling the family silver? You bet! Cruise over to Inforuptcy.com to check out how a lifetime’s worth of heirlooms can be bought and sold by bankruptcy trustees, investors, and guys with too much time on their...
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