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I get to represent people in some interesting circumstances … interesting as in the famous Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times.” For instance, I’m handling a case right now arising from a scheme that looks legitimate, even to me. As I read it, the idea is to help people who can’t pay their...
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Staff writer Stephanie Potter points out in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (Vol. 153 Issue 91) that the First District Illinois Appellate Court in a recent decision held that once foreclosed property goes to a Sheriff’s Sale and changes hands the former owner(s) may no longer sell it, pay off the mortgage holder, and take...
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Appeal from 1st Dist. In re: Application of the County Collector, No. 97165 (April 19, 2007) On remand from US Supreme Court (THOMAS) (KILBRIDE, dissent), the Illinois Appellate court affirmed that a stutory deed issued for non-payment of taxes (“tax deed”) could not be set aside merely because the homeowner was in a mental health...
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