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Go Green? – now what?

In Illinois and a growing number of other states you can no longer just leave used electronics on the curb or in a dumpster. The issue is liability for environmental contamination. Then there is data disposal, and as we all know by now computer hard drives must be permanently and intentionally relieved of their data lest it fall into the wrong hands – a malpractice nightmare. In case you did not receive an email notice or just didn”t hear, November 15th was America Recycles Day — a prime opportunity for individuals, firms, and businesses to go green and find out how to dispose of electronic equipment, computers, monitors, printers, routers, phones, PDA”s, etc. Of course the question of the hour is always“what is all this going to cost me/my firm/my client?” As a matter of fact recycling unwanted electronics often costs nothing — on the contrary, it can yield a tax break or even some money in your pocket. Well this is your lucky day because the bk blog is bringing the action to you; send us a list of your configured units, printers, monitors, routers, etc. or call 630-388-7057 to find out more about how the pm blog can help you stop procrastinating and put your assets in motion.

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